Unnecessary Rants On Social Media
It's obviously no doubt we are in a computer age, we are in a time where people think it is okay to live their lives on social media platforms, do anything, anywhere and anyhow they want and post it online (not like it's a bad thing). It becomes an issue when you make it seem like it's all you have, by bringing your brawls with others, personal relationship events and so on to these platforms
Few hours ago, I was surfing the net when I came across a video of a woman who had quite a beautiful accent, ranting endlessly about someone who called her out literally, using all the cuss words she knew just as she pleased, this lasted for about 50 seconds ( for a moment I just wondered why I was watching it for that long... Like why??) Well I went through the comment section as my curiosity piqued, and oh how unsurprised I was to see she had supporters/fans, who were backing her up, there were also haters, probably the other persons' fans, who were doing quite a good job fighting back, even entrepreneurs advertising their products weren't left out (lol it's funny the things you see in a comment section; comedy, nonchalatants and so on) some who also commented thought it was quite unnecessary for such act ( like I thought too!) It brought me to a common truth that most people don't know how to use things properly.
This lady is Nigerian, an educated person I figured, but for every word she uttered against the other person, the less attractive she became and sounded to me. It's crazy I tell you. I stressed the fact that she was Nigerian, because we are mostly trained in ways where lot of discipline is involved, teaching you about self respect, good manners to say the least. It appears that in our new era, we have lost these values and emulated more wrongs than rights. I know it's easy for others to offend us, but is that enough reason to come online to make unnecessary rants, I mean especially when the matter isn't some thing of great importance, you end up embarrassing yourself, giving room for people who do not even know you to say unkind words and even judge you.
Most times it's advisable you ignore such miscreants when they come at you, or settle matter amicably like civilians and literates, and avoid saying things you might end up regretting and won't be able to take back.
Doesn't that sound nice to you ehn? No stress at all, instead of the unnecessary things you go online to say...
So Guys What Do You Think?
Is it necessary to reply every single hate statement made towards us?
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