Nigeria Man buys Scgwarzennegger's Bulgaria for $2.5m

Nigerian man, Obi Okeke, popularly referred to as Doctor Bugatti, has purchased Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Bugatti Veyron for $2.5m
According to TMZ, the Bugatti dealer has intentions to resell the vehicle.
The Bugatti Veyron 2015 model goes 0-60 mph in 2.5 secs and has only had about 1,000 miles on it.
Okeke was the one who sold a similar whip to heavyweight champion, Floyd Mayweather, and he seems to be on the lookout for a buyer for his new ride.

“When you’re in the business for as long as I’ve been, you meet a lot of people,” Okeke said in 2015, according to the Business Insider.
“When I came here, people knew about me. I’ve been very fortunate to build a deep client database for finding cars.”
Mayweather had purchased at least 40 cars from Okeke, including Koenigsegg CCXR Triveta for $4.8m, the Business Insider said in 2015.


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